
The Fair Warning Letter

a valuable tool that Evidences your "First In Time" status.


A simplified description of the concepts discussed in the Fair Warning Letter:

1. Beginning of Life and Rights:

  • Life begins at the moment of fertilization, highlighting its significance as the beginning of one’s physical and spiritual existence.
  • The principle that being “first in time” gives one priority or rights over others in various aspects of law and society. This is a long-standing principle affecting numerous legal areas.


2. Development and Evolution:

  • The development from a single cell (zygote) to a fully formed being emphasizes the continuous and natural process of evolution.
  • Legal terms describe the process, suggesting that one’s rights and presence are established from the beginning.


3. Legal and Spiritual Severance at Birth:

  • At birth, there is a metaphorical and literal severance from the maternal environment, which the text equates to losing a part of one’s original, godly state.
  • This severance is viewed as a loss or theft of one’s natural state, referring to it as a form of larceny or mayhem.


4. Definition and Legal References:

  • Various legal definitions from Black’s Law Dictionary support the arguments, such as definitions for “nunc pro tunc,” “larceny,” and “membrana.”


5. Concept of Ownership and Property:

  • The idea of personal property and rights, likening the individual’s body and state of being to property that is unlawfully taken or altered at birth.
  • The concept of “deposit” as the handling of one’s personal rights and existence is explored, suggesting that one’s original state should be preserved and returned.


6. International Law and Rights:

  • References the United Nations Charter to argue for protecting and preserving peace and individual rights from the beginning of life to its end.
  • Asserts that any deviation from one’s natural rights is a violation and an error of law.


7. Final Declaration:

  • The author concludes by rejecting any unnatural acts or legal fiction that interfere with one’s natural rights from fertilization to last breath.
  • Emphasizes the importance of maintaining the original state of being and natural rights, viewing any interference as a trespass or act of war.

The Letter uses a blend of legal, spiritual, and biological concepts to argue for the intrinsic rights of individuals from the moment of conception, criticizing any actions or laws that alter or sever these rights.