
The Books

The information you need to reclaim yourself in live fully.

Right Of Way

For many years I’ve sought the initial “rule of law” proving One’s personal and private continuous and contiguous dominion over a violently removed “jus cogens” fetal measure accounting for the internationally recognized rest, residue, and remainder of One’s foundational SUPREME BEING.

I found it.

First In Time

There is a legal maxim, “fictio cedit veritati” that means fictions yields to truth. “First in Time” includes the transcription of conversation between two longtime “pacifists” which clearly evidences a “Living Truth” beyond the presumption of any fictitious record or narrative created specifically to gain access to One’s genuine nature via trespass, as well as a highly deductive and learned exposition by the Author as to the lawful scope of such enlightened testimony. It is a must read for anyone with “eyes to see” the absurdity and confusion of a world completely devoid of Truth.